Sunday, March 10, 2013

Do You Need to be Rich for Custom Jewelry

When you see the Hollywood stars on the red carpet in their glamorous gowns and stunning jewels, you can’t help but wonder if those pieces are custom jewelry. The truth is that some of those magnificent pieces of jewelry were made specifically for the individual wearing them. Fortunately, you don’t have to be rich to enjoy jewelry made just for you. All you need to do is get online and create the kinds of pieces you have always wanted.

Make Your Jewelry Dream into Reality

Granted, if your goal is to create some of those remarkable diamond encrusted works of art, you will need both money and skill. But for most custom pieces, all you need is a bit of creativity and time. Few people make a habit of wearing cascades of precious gems anyway. First, consider the kinds of jewelry you like to wear and when you wear it.

Finding ideas isn’t hard. Look in fashion magazines, go online and look at jewelry available at various outlets. You can even sketch some of your own ideas for the platform on which you will build. Once you have some concrete ideas, it is time to go online.

Using the Internet for Jewelry Making

One of the best things about the Internet is the sheer availability of materials you can find to make exactly what you want. When making a necklace, I like to start with the pendant or focal stone. If you are making something without a focal point, then start with the materials - beads, stones, chain, or cording, for example.

You will find many, many vendors providing such materials online, but beware, not everyone is honest or reliable. It pays to spend a bit of time chatting on jewelry making forums to find out who to avoid and who to patronize. You can even find makers of custom pieces in just about every material online, but again, buyer beware.

Companies that offer online jewelry making software let you see exactly what you are building as you do it. You can mix and match their materials and see how they go together, how many beads or stones of a particular kind you need, and so forth. It reduces waste and lets you evaluate how your project is coming together before you spend your money. Very helpful!

Learning Additional Jewelry Making Skills

The other thing that the Internet is particularly helpful for is finding out how to do certain things. Common jewelry making techniques are readily available in videos. You can sign up for classes online or at your local community college in order to expand your skill set. A glass working class will allow you to design your own pendants if you don’t like what you find for sale. A class that teaches silver-smithing will allow you to create things in metals. Learning a new technique will expand your ability to create your own custom pieces.

Enjoy Your Jewelry Making

One thing you will notice right away when you start making custom jewelry pieces is that everyone comments on them. Get creative enough and you just might turn your new passion into the basis for a nice home industry. Many well known jewelry designers start out that way – at home, making things for themselves.

Jewelry Making is a fun activity, whether you do it on your own, or invite some friends to try their hand as well.

Custom jewelry isn’t just for the well-to-do; it is for anyone who has even a little bit of creativity. You will find all of the supplies you need at Make sure to drop in soon and start making your own pieces of beautiful jewelry.

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